Easter can be a frantic time, it comes around so quickly and takes us by surprise. It isn’t quite on the same stress levels as Christmas (yet), but please don’t feel pressured to have the ‘perfect Insta’ Easter. Easter is a lovely time to take time out to chill out or meet up with family and friends. But it can also involve lots of hosting, tidying, cooking, entertaining and the odd Easter Egg hunt too!
How can I help? Here’s my top tips on how to be organised for Easter:
- START PLANNING. Whether you’re hosting dinner or going away, a detailed plan will keep you organised. It will also keep you focused on the really important tasks instead of getting side-tracked.
- DON’T SPREAD YOURSELF TOO THIN. Don’t overcommit to doing things this Easter, be realistic about what you can manage. And if that means turning things down and saying ’no’, then so be it!
- PREPARE. Easter holiday? When travelling, I use packing pods, that way I’m (we’re) unpacked and on the beach as quickly as possible! My packing pods are 15 years old and still going strong. They separate everything into easy compartments, meaning they can go straight from your suitcase to the drawers on holiday (they have them on Amazon).
- THE LIST. Avoid overbuying with a shopping list for the Easter break. Stick to the list instead of being overwhelmed in the supermarket. We all know the dangers of the Middle of Lidl!
- HAVE THE EGG HUNT READY. Don’t wait until the last minute to put together your Easter egg hunt. This is stress that’s easily avoided. So get everything ready this weekend if you can.
- SPRING CLEAN (AND DONATE!). If you’re spring cleaning, take this opportunity to donate your unwanted items to charity.
- SAVE TIME. No time to bake? Dip plain biscuits in melted chocolate add sprinkles. For an easy Easter nest mix cornflakes and melted chocolate. Spoon onto a tray and add mini eggs – voilà!
- ALTERNATIVE GIFTS. Keep those baby teeth free of cavities and gift a cute toothbrush & toothpaste for a sugar-free treat.
- RECYCLE. Re-use Easter or Spring decorations from last year. Store your decorations in a plastic box to keep it dust free (and easy to find) next year!