Overwhelmed? Procrastination is a Bitch


This week I had a welcome day off. I sat down to start creating my newest blog on how to deal with procrastination!

I had filmed some content, my intention was to edit that evening (in between usual stuff like dinner and a bit of TV) However, my husband (on an actual day off) switched on the TV and turned on the latest episode of the series we’re watching (in case you’re interested, it was Mr. and Mrs. Smith, which I’ve absolutely loved!)

I thought, why not just watch one… So we did. The husband let the next one roll, and I said, ‘Actually, I’ve got some stuff to do. It’s okay, I’ll go sit in the other room, and you can watch some of your stuff.’ I got up and went into the other room. But before that, I thought it best to nip to the loo quickly.


On the way back, I cleaned up some stuff in the kitchen. Then, I decided I needed a sugar fix and got myself a teaspoon of jam from the fridge, which is one of my favourite quick fixes. I thought I might like another one, then decided I was probably thirsty. I got a glass of water, opened the fridge again to double-check if there’s nothing in there that I wanted to scoff.

I shut the fridge door, came back through the living room, remembered we needed toilet rolls upstairs, quickly zoomed back to the downstairs bathroom, grabbed a few rolls, threw them upstairs before coming and sitting down on the other sofa to actually start writing this…

This is a really good example of how I operate now. I’m organised pretty much, our home stands to attention 🫡 and I will admit I get tons of help at home from my husband ( love him for this ) We are a crack team— admittedly there are no small children at home to mess up stuff, just us and one hairy dog! 🐕


This leads me nicely onto…. Managing your time effectively.

In other words stop doing shizzload of other stuff when you should be doing the stuff you really need to do that’s the stuff that’s bothering you the most and potentially making you feel like a pile of💩 daily!

Why am I telling you this? I’m telling you because I want you to know 📣 I get it!!

Do you ever feel like there’s just not enough time in the day to get everything done? That’s what many people call “time poverty.” It’s that feeling of being overwhelmed by work, long commutes, and all the other stuff life throws at you. Even when there’s technically enough time, it still feels like there isn’t. It’s like being constantly rushed and stressed out.

But there are ways to tackle this feeling and take control of your time:

1 Manage 📔✨

Figure out what really matters to you in your work and life. Set goals based on those values and find ways to prioritise them in your daily or weekly schedule. Cut out or delegate tasks that aren’t essential. I’ve love the term ‘nonnegotiable’ after hearing my friend Janey (The Women’s Mindset Coach) say it – I’ve used this term effectively for my exercise regime for almost a year. Today I am hitting around 80% of my fitness goals which is brilliant compared to where I was last year 🙌

2 Balance 🧘

Make sure you’re not letting one thing take over your whole life. So that’s work, set boundaries to protect your personal time, family time, and time for self-care. Stick to these boundaries, no matter how busy things get remember ‘non-negotiables’

3 Squash procrastination 😫

Sometimes procrastination is just a sneaky way of avoiding things we’re scared of or feeling overwhelmed by. Figure out why you’re putting things off and find strategies to tackle those feelings head-on. Once you start taking action, things will start to feel more manageable.

Why am I putting things off?

I pretty much know. There’s a couple of reasons why the biggest is. I’m a perfectionist and everything I do.

I have to do in such a particular way or it won’t meet my high standards. I’m trying to wean myself off…. it’s an ongoing working progress for me and I’m getting better at it all the time.

I also understand myself and know that certain things are always going to be sticking point. Key thing is I recognise what they are and because I now know them, I can remind myself of the reasons why that itself makes me feel tons better.

If you want me to help you get organised, get in touch here.


Home Organisation

Packing, Moving & Downsizing


Virtual Organising

