Holiday Packing Organising


We’re counting down to the school holidays at the end of July so now is the perfect time to start preparing for your packing (yes the earlier the better!). When it comes to traveling, proper packing is crucial for a hassle-free experience. Organising and optimising luggage space can save you time, stress, and money. I usually start packing a week before my trip so I don’t forget anything. If you’d like any help with organisation for an easier life, get in touch with me here.


Here’s a few pointers on holiday packing:

Essential Items Checklist

Efficient Packing Techniques

Unpacking and Staying Organised during Your Trip

Tips for Organising Toiletries and Cosmetics

Tips for Taking Books On Holiday

Hand luggage tips

Electronics and Gadgets

Keeping Documents Secure

Traveling with Kids

Managing Medications

Packing Tips for Different Destinations

Handling Souvenirs and Shopping

Sustainable Packing Practices

Have a wonderful time on holiday! Remember, for help organising your home and life, get in touch here.


Home Organisation

Packing, Moving & Downsizing


Virtual Organising

